Of course, if you're short on time, you can buy ready-made tree slices. Before you do this, please read our varied suggestions for tree disc decoration ideas . It's quite possible that you'll change your mind as a result.

Tree slice decoration ideas: DIY – do it yourself!
Anyone who has already made crafts with wood knows that wood has to be dry before it can be worked on. Drying fresh wood yourself takes months or even years. Luckily, you can buy dry tree slices and get started straight away.
1. Paint tree slices
- Design tree slices as colorful flowers
- Tree slice area as a clown face
- Tree slice as an animal head: for example teddy bear, dog or cat
- Paint the disc yellow and finish it off with a friendly face as a moon or sun
- Landscape in small format: sky, clouds or sunrays, meadow with colorful flowers and butterflies
With more painting experience, ornaments, smiley faces, movie and comic characters, and seasonal motifs for Easter and Christmas are popular. Tree slices are also ideal for painting mandalas.
Chalk paints and acrylic paints or acrylic markers have proven particularly useful for painting tree slices. When decorating wooden discs with chalk paint, we recommend a protective layer of varnish to fix it.
2. Wooden disc decoration: tree disc with engraving
Classic tree disc decoration ideas are tree discs with burnt-in motifs that resemble engravings. Pyrography is an ancient folk art in which drawings or writings are burned onto a natural material such as wood using a very heated pen. The special pens with metal tips required for this are now heated with electrical energy from a socket instead of over an open fire, as was once the case.If pyrography is a new creative technique for you, we recommend that you practice with the burning pen on an unnecessary piece of wood, such as a small board, before drawing directly on the tree disc. This will give you a feel for how to handle the pencil and its effect on wood.
Typical tree slice decoration ideas in pyrography are written statements on anniversary tree slices for big birthdays, congratulations on passing exams or an expression of love: “Mom, I love you!” Rather simple, complementary images of flowers , branches or birds as well as wedding rings or work-related ones Objects such as cars or needles and thread complement the wooden disc decoration. If you like, you can spice things up with a little color.
3. Wooden disc decoration in 3-D
Wooden discs with an edge made of pronounced bark are ideal as bases for three-dimensional themed arrangements. Choose a harmonious forest scene. Place delicate, decorative green plants in small, waterproof containers on the wooden disc. Add pine branches or pussy willows as desired, or figures of forest animals such as deer or squirrels.For a wooden disc decoration as Advent decoration, a small scene with snow-covered houses is atmospheric.
Attractively arranged candles of different sizes are another great idea for making your own table decorations in 3D format.

4. Illuminated tree disc
You can achieve fascinating effects with a tree disk illuminated by numerous LED lights .To do this, saw off a piece on one side of the round disc with a coping saw. To ensure that the cut is absolutely straight, first draw a line on the wood using a ruler. Later, place the tree disc vertically on the resulting edge.
Now use an electric drill to distribute 15-20 holes in the wooden disk as desired for the LEDs . Then take a string of LED lights and insert the small lights through the openings. Complete!
Admittedly, the back with its tightly twisted cable looks quite confusing. The illuminated tree disc is therefore not suitable as a table decoration. But on a shelf or on a chest of drawers, the tree disc with lighting gives the room a cozy feel-good atmosphere. As the only lights in an otherwise dark room, they look like a piece of starry sky.
Tip for star fans: Place the drill holes in the shape of constellations. Additionally, saw a star-shaped cutout in the tree disc.
5. Wooden disc decoration in the outdoor area
Designing tree slices doesn't just mean making table decorations yourself, but also sets great accents on the balcony or in the garden. Here are our instructions for the express version of building a snowman: To do this, attach three tree discs of different sizes on top of each other. Instead of using pieces of coal for the face and buttons and a carrot for the nose, just use black and orange paint. Now put a scarf around your neck and a hat on your head: a snowman is born that never thaws and brings joy every year.Design tree slices: Let's go!
Do you like our tree disc decoration ideas? Now all you have to do is buy the tree slices? Good sources of purchase are hardware stores, lumber stores or forestry companies.