The strikingly irregularly growing tree occurs primarily in the so-called Krummholz zone of the high mountains. Chirps settle in rocky areas where other plants would have no chance of survival.
The stone pine has different names in the different Alpine regions. This is also what she is known as
- Arve
- Work
- Arole
- Petschl
- Stone pine

Great importance for the Alps
Did you know that the resin-rich wood of the pine tree has an extraordinary self-healing power? This means the tree can quickly cope with the wounds inflicted by storms or lightning strikes.
Tree of the year 2011

Growth heights of up to 20 meters are possible. Under good conditions, the bizarre trees can live to be more than four hundred years old.
The bark of young trees is still smooth. Only later does it open up. Then the typical scaled bark is created.
Pine needles
The needles are blue-green in color, five to eleven centimeters long and about one millimeter thick. Their cross section is triangular. Pine needles are quite stiff but flexible.
A layer of wax protects it from drying out and UV radiation. The needles remain on the tree for more than 10 years before they are shed.

flowers and fruits
The fruits, the pine cones, do not appear until the fall of the following year. Eight millimeter seeds grow in them. They don't fall out on their own, but have to be removed. This important task is carried out by large birds such as jays and jays.
The seeds of the pine tree were once considered an important source of food in winter. Cooked in milk, they were said to relieve coughs and help against lung problems.
Pine wood
Previous generations already knew how versatile pine wood can be used.
Light wood

Pine oil
The wood, cones and needles of the stone pine contain essential oils. In summer, when there is strong sunlight, the tree produces a particularly large amount of pine oil.
Pine wood strengthens well-being
Previous generations have long known about the positive properties of stone pine. Scientists have been able to demonstrate the positive effects of the spicy-smelling wood on people's health and well-being.
Pine wood
- calms, lowers the heart rate and ensures a restful sleep
- contributes to relaxation after a strenuous, stressful day
- stabilizes circulation and prevents sleep disorders
- has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves cold symptoms
- has a stabilizing effect on people with depression and anxiety
- ensures a pleasant room scent
- improves the indoor climate
People who sleep in a bedroom with pine furniture feel rested, healthy and fit in the morning.
The wood of the stone pine can have a positive effect on health not only as a piece of furniture, floor lamp or wall paneling. Even as a filling in the pillow, the pleasant aroma contributes to a restful sleep.
Discover a selection of handcrafted furniture and lamps made from the fragrant wood of the high Alps in our shop.